mitsh’s blog



Mt. Kagami & Mt. Kurokami (鏡山と黒髪山)

Yesterday, an NBC radio program, Yokatoko Saga, introduced Mt. Kagami in Karatsu City and Mt. Kurokami in Arita Town. Mt. Kagami can be reached near the top by car. On the other hand, Mt. Kurokami is a little more difficult because we have…

Electric Shaver

My sister-in-law came today. She had an appointment for a visit at 14:00 and finished the visit well behind schedule. Then we went to Edion and I bought an electric shaver. I bought a slightly higher one at 22,800 yen. Edion took over the …

Body fat measurement

I had a body fat measurement today. The visceral fat level is slightly excessive and the footing point is low. The results are as follows. ───────── Weight : 55.6 kg. Fat content: 11.9%. Fat free mass (除脂肪量) : 43.7kg. Muscle mass : 41.…

Asthma Attacks(喘息の発作)

The following is copied directly from the net. Humidity should be kept around 40-60% all year round. When the humidity is less than 40%, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract becomes rough and asthma attacks are more likely to occur…

Graphic Facilitation

I heard that word for the first time today. It's a graphic facilitation. I quickly looked it up on the net. It's also on Wikipedia online. I think you can find out what it is by searching for it yourself. In the afternoon, from 13:30 to 14…


I practiced Weiss's fantasie slowly on the 2nd floor again today. Now it's a once a week pleasure. 今日も2階で weiss のfantasie をゆっくり練習した。今では週に一回の楽しみである。

Mikaeri waterfall(みかえりの滝)

In Japan there is a song called Mikaeri Waterfall. I searched the internet to find out where it was. When I searched for Mikaeri Waterfall, I mainly found Tochigi, Akita, and Saga prefectures. There may be more. The pronunciation is the sa…

How to name the month(月の呼び方)

────────────────── January 睦月(むつき) mutsuki Febraly 如月(きさらぎ) kisaragi March 弥生(やよい) yayoi April 卯月(うづき) udzuki May 皐月(さつき) satsuki June 水無月(みなづき) minadzuki July 文月(ふみづき) fumidzuki August 葉月(はづき) h…

mountain climbing (山登り)

Radio program Hiroshi Ogushi and Naomi Nakayama's Yokatoko Saga. In this program, they introduced Mt. Tenzan and Mt. Sefuri as mountains to climb.I remember climbing Mt. Tenzan many times, but Mt. Sefuri only once. I don't remember very we…

Battery replacement of iPad

Thanks to my niece coming, I was able to request a battery replacement for my iPad. Even if I take it to an authorized dealer, the battery will not be replaced. It costs 40,000 yen to replace the iPad. If I send it to a repair shop in town…

Refillable “gum dental rinse”

Is there a refillable gum dental rinse made by SUNSTAR? When I inquired, the person in charge said that there is no refillable product yet. The SDGs that are in vogue now. In line with this trend, refillable gum dental rinses are expected …

Walk (散歩)Oct.5th

For today's club activities, I chose a walk. Just two laps around the hospital. It took about 20 minutes. I took a picture with my smartphone because a rosemary-like flower was blooming on the way. 今日のクラブ活動では散歩を選んだ。病院の…

OS update(OSアップデート)

From yesterday to today, the iPhone has been updated to iOS 16.0.2. I did the update and left it overnight at the nurse station. The update was completed this morning. The battery charge was 100% when I checked it in yesterday. It was at 8…

Practice of Guitar, twitter.

Today I practiced Fantasie composed by Weiss in tablature. Take it slow. After all, I have a gap of 7 years in playing the guitar. 今日は Weiss のFantasie の練習を Tab譜で行った。ゆっくりとね。なんせブランクが7年と長いからね。 <About twitter> I can't kee</about>…

Japan’s & Japanese

In the children's column of this morning's Saga newspaper, there was a English sentence beginning with Japan's government (the rest is omitted). I checked how it differs from Japanese government. What I found out is that they both mean the…

Autumn foliage spots part3(紅葉の名所パート3)

In today's broadcast, he introduced famous places for autumn leaves in Karatsu City, Arita Town, and Saga City. I missed hearing about Karatsu City because I had something to do. In Arita-town, yellow leaves of a large ginkgo [gíŋkoʊ] tree…

Electric Shaver

I have to buy a new electric shaver. The price of replacing the battery and buying a new one is about the same. The shop will take the old one for 550 yen. If the old one goes to an urban mine, It will be more useful than disposing of it a…

Main uses of my smartphone &<Interesting Information on Eye Aging>

The main uses of my smartphone (iPhone12 mini) is as follows.1.Means of communication (telephone, LINE, email).2. Creating the latest trend graph of infected people per 100,000 people per week for COVID-19 and sending it to my relatives. N…


I was relieved that the injection of Abilify [əbílifai] was completed. This injection is scheduled once every four weeks. This injection continues even after I leave the hospital. I asked my doctor if an Abilify skin patch had been develo…

Autumn and winter clothes

My niece brought autumn and winter clothes for me. I think I will be discharged from the hospital by the end of October. Therefore I don't think I need winter clothes, but my niece took the trouble to bring them for me, so I put them in my…

Asturias part2

I played the guitar today.I practiced with music sheet of Asturias composed by Isaac Albeniz I mainly practiced melody lines. If I can't play the melody line, I can't play the whole song. It's difficult to improve my skills with one hour o…

Seven flowers of autumn (秋の七草)

The seven flowers of autumn are as follows: Bush clover,(萩) Japanese pampass grass,(ススキ) kudzu vine,(葛) dianthus [daiǽnθəs],(撫子:ナデシコ) yellow patrinia,(女郎花:オミナエシ) boneset,(藤袴:フジバカマ) Japanese bellflower / Chinese be…

Gum dental rinse

About the efficacy of the gum dental rinse that I wrote before (september 14th). The gum pain is almost gone. I'm glad I bought this rinse. the rinse was manufactured by Sunstar. I put it in my mouth and spread it out for 20 seconds. Then …

台風俳句(Haiku about typhoon )

停電も 過ぎてみれば いい思い出 (九州電力が大変だったと思う。九電に感謝) 秋の気配 台風一過で 深まりつ A good memory once the power outage has passed (I think Kyushu Electric Power had a hard time. Thank them for their good work) Signs of au…

白菊の花(White chrysanthemum flowers)

今回も短歌の英訳に挑戦。 I am trying to translate tanka into English. 心あてに 折らばや折らむ 初霜のおきまどはせる 白菊の花 (凡河内躬恒 おおしこうちのみつね) 現代語訳(ネットを参照これから大…

品種Gメン(breed G-Men)

県のサイトからの情報。 農業試験研究センターは、佐賀県農林産物品種流出対策チーム(佐賀県品種Gメン)を設置しました。 電話番号:0952-45-2143 メールアドレス 下記URLご参照。…

台風一過(typhoon passing)

昨日から停電がたびたび起きる。ここは非常用電源があると思う。停電があっても非常用電源に切り替わる。しかし一部の照明しか点かない。真っ暗になるよりマシだね。 台風が過ぎて今日16時過ぎでもまだ風が強い。大型の台風だ。 今週の個別OTでもギターを弾…

嵐の音( sound of storm)

たまには短歌の翻訳でもやってみるか。 Maybe I'll try translating tanka once in a while. 秋来ぬと 目にはさやかに 見えねども 風の音にぞ おどろかれぬる (藤原敏行) When autumn comes, I cannot see it clearly, but the sound of the wind makes me m…

紅葉の名所パート2 (Autumn foliage spots part 2 )


台風の計測(Typhoon measurements)

台風の中心気圧、風速の測り方をネットで調べた。以前は米軍の飛行機から気圧計を落として測っていた時代もあったが、1974年頃からはドヴォラック方式(Dvorak method)で衛星画像の雲の形から気圧や風速を推定する方法が使われている。 ハリケーンでは今も飛…