mitsh’s blog


Refillable “gum dental rinse”

 Is there a refillable gum dental rinse made by SUNSTAR? When I inquired, the person in charge said that there is no refillable product yet.

 The SDGs that are in vogue now. In line with this trend, refillable gum dental rinses are expected to become available in the near future.

 If you search for refillable mouthwash, you'll likely find that refillable products are already available. Therefore, gum dental rinse maker SUNSTAR is sure to release a refillable product in the future.


  SUNSTAR製 詰め替え式の gum dental rinse はないか?と問い合わせたところ、詰め替え式の製品はまだないとのこと。

  今流行りの SDGs。これに沿って詰め替え式の gum dental rinse もそのうちに出てくるものと思われる。

 詰め替えのマウスウォッシュ で検索したら、既に詰め替えの製品が出ていることに気付くことであろう。だから   gum dental rinse のメーカー SUNSTAR も詰め替えの製品を将来出すに違いない。