The NBC radio program "Yokatoko Saga" (It means Saga prefecture is good place.) introduced famous autumn leaves, so to speak, Part 2 was broadcast.
Last time (part 1) was Kashima City in the south, but today he introduced famous places in Kiyama Town, Miyaki Town, and Tosu City in the east. The most recommended ones are the maple tree at Daikozenji Temple in Kiyama and the goby tree at Mt. Takatori in Miyaki Town.
I didn't know about the rests, but I think you can find them if you look for them on the internet.
<宗教:仏教 天台宗>
<Religion: Buddhism Tendai sect>
The temple called Daikozenji belongs to the Tendai sect, and the monks chant Namo Amida Butsu.
So I looked up the simple meaning of "Namo Amida Butsu" on the internet. It says the same thing as an introductory book on Buddhism that I read a long time ago.
Based on the meaning of each word, the simple translation of the word namo amida butsu means "I follow Amida from the bottom of my heart" or "I entrust everything to Amida."
<Urgent Notice>
Typhoon No. 14 (Nanmadol) is a violent typhoon of 910hPa. The course is by far the worst. It would be nice if it weakened.