mitsh’s blog


貧幸生活(poor but happy life)












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Poverty but happiness praised by Sō Kuramoto.(倉本聰 screenwriter)

 When I was a child, my life was pretty poor, but close to being happy. Hand pump for bath water.  It's much better than a well bucket, and it's definitely a useful tool for civilization, but I think it's more inconvenient than a tap. Day after day I boil the bath with firewood, and when the firewood runs low, I work hard to chop it.  These were children's jobs.

 The charcoal was also homemade, and it was an era when the charcoal stove was active.

 My mother made rice and miso soup using firewood, and I learned how to cook rice by following what I saw.  It was easier than cooking rice in a camping rice bowl.

 The shells were crushed with a millstone and pestle and mixed with vegetable scraps to feed the chickens.  The water used to wash and grind the rice was mixed with the cow's drinking water.

 The miso and soy sauce were also homemade.  But I didn't learn how to make them. It was a great chance to learn, but I couldn't make the most of it.

 Tofu is made when the people of the village gather for a celebration. And the husbands turn a stone grinder to grind soybeans, heat it up, and filter it with a cloth, add bittern to make tofu, and use pomace separately for cooking.

 Speaking of infrastructure, it was about electricity and a wired telephone that only works within the town.  In the meantime, general telephone gradually spread to one in several households.

 With each passing year, propane gas and tap water began to spread, and I witnessed the gradual decline of traditional culture.

 Plowing also changed from cows to cultivators, and fertilizer made from cow dung and straw was replaced by chemical fertilizers, which led to the rise of modern agriculture.  A life of poverty has become the other side of modern material civilization.

 In this day and age, recreating the life of the past as it is is extraordinary and requires a great deal of courage. But if you choose a place, wherever you live is the best place, the inconvenient life will be worth it if you can experience it.  Easy to write, practice requires know-how.