mitsh’s blog


武雄温泉 Takeo Hot Spring(Takeo onsen)



以前はよくそこに行ってたけど、ここ10年ほどご無沙汰している。病気のため車の運転が出来ないことが一因である。温泉のことは観光案内のサイトに任せる。元湯、蓬莱湯には幾度となく浸かった。昔は料金はもっと安くて 地元の大衆向けの浴場だったらしい。今は他所からの観光目的の客が入るのが主であり料金もやや高め(両者共に450円)に設定してあるようだ。


Takeo Onsen is also known as "Tsukasaki Onsen". The origin is detailed in the following site.
I just found out today.
I used to go there often, but haven't been there in about 10 years. One reason is that I am unable to drive due to illness. Leave the hot springs to the tourist information site. I soaked in Motoyu and Hōraiyu many times. They used to be cheaper and were bathhouses for the local masses.  They seems that the prices are set a little high (450 yen for both) because they are mainly visited by tourists from other places now.