mitsh’s blog


Mt.Kyōgatake and Mt.Taradake(経ケ岳と多良岳)

   Mt. Kyōgatake (1076m) and Mt. Taradake (996m) in the southern part of the prefecture were introduced as mountains to climb in the radio program Yokatoko Saga.

Mt. Kyogatake is said to be the westernmost mountain in Japan with a height of over 1000m.

  I used to climb them many times, but now my legs are too weak to climb these mountains.

There are many mountains with "take" or "dake" meaning Mt. When native Japanese speakers translate into English, omitting the "take" or "dake" may sound half-hearted. Therefore, although the words overlap, I dare to write Mt.kyōgatake, Mt.taradake, etc.

If I look it up with google translate, it may or may not include "take" or "dake". Take famous mountains for example. Mt. Yatsugatake is attached. Mt. Tsurugi, Mt. Tsubakuro, Mt. Otensho, and Mt. Jōnen are not included.There may be a rule to attach or not to attach. It may be determined simply by the sound of the words.

  Upon further investigation, it seems that the Geographical Survey Institute decides how to call the topography.


  The number one climber in Japan was said to be Mt. Takao(699m) in Tokyo.  It is a perfect mountain to climb from the city area to avoid the three Cs*.

 *three Cs : 

                  closed spaces,(密閉)

                  crowded places,(密集)

                  close-contact setting.(密接)


ラジオ番組 よかとこ佐賀 で登る山として、県南部の経ヶ岳(1076m)と多良岳(996m)を紹介していた。経ケ岳は1000m以上の山では日本の最も西にあると言う。


Mt.を意味する岳(take または dake)が付く山が多い。英訳するときに日本語を母国語とするものにとって、岳を外すと中途半端に聞こえる時がある。だから言葉が重複するが、あえてMt.Kyōgatake, Mt.Taradake などと表記する。




