mitsh’s blog


山河 Mountain River


⭕️ラジオから    Audible from a radio

🌸五木ひろし山河が流れてきた。作詞小椋佳作曲堀内孝雄    演歌というよりポップスに近い。歌謡曲の定義は知らないけど、歌謡曲と言うのがぴったり。

Hiroshi Itsukis mountain river I have heard.  Lyrics by Kei Ogura / Composition Takao Horiuchi. It's more like pop music than enka.  I don't know the definition of Kayokyoku,but it is perfect to say Kayokyoku.

🌸辰野金吾  旧東京駅などを設計した人。没後100年の催し物があるらしい。唐津市出身だと高校の修学旅行で物理の先生から教えてもらった。ネットからも調べられるね。

Kingo Tatsuno a person who designed the former Tokyo Station and the others. There seems to be an event of 100 years after death.  I was taught by a physics teacher on a high school excursion that Tatsuno was from Karatsu City.  You can also check from the internet.


Promotion of road station Tarafukukan (Tara-Town)along Route 207.


Messages after 18:58 addressed to family member remain unread.  Somewhat anxious.


I finished reading Literary Spring and Autumn today



I wrote in both Japanes and English today.